We have a beautiful beach below us at the Studio. it is not spotlessly clean or beautifully manicured, but it is wonderfully natural. The rock pools at low tide and the seaweed strewn sand give it a special character.

After a lengthy time away and a solo evening walk on the beach my daughter commented “if there’s not seaweed its not Somers”. Considered a mess at times by some, it is a source of delight and wonder to others.

One morning following a storm I was heading down the path a women coming in the opposite direction warned me “its horrible down there.” You mean the seaweed ?” I said. “Fantastic” I thought.

We still get deep drifts of seagrass that take me back to my childhood, running and jumping  through them in our gumboots. Arriving home tired but exhilarated.

I have walked this small piece of Western Port shoreline for more than sixty years. My pleasure and motivation comes not from gazing out to sea but watching where I walk. I love the colours, patterns and textures made by the “mess” that has been washed up.

Sometime ago on my morning walk, I noticed a seaweed smile and took a photo to send to a friend who I felt needed it. I have since made a point of catching these smiles. Never arranged by me but always where they’ve landed  lapped by the edge of the waves.

Some mornings smiles are hard to find on the sand and I head for the rock pools.

There is always a smile to be found if you look hard enough.