When is the best time for a stay at the beach?
I had been walking on the beach early with my dog Illy. There was a low king tide and the wet sand reflected the intense blue of the sky. There were more birds on the rocks than usual and the roll of a gentle swell had the definite sound of Autumn. I walked back up the hill through the foreshore pondering the beauty of the beach early in the day and the best time to experience it.
How to make good plunger coffee
A great start to the day is waking up in the morning to the warble of magpies, or laughter of kookaburras, perhaps a walk on the beach before a steaming hot show outdoors and then settling under the tree on the verandah for a good fresh cup of coffee.
Different but at the same time similar
We have two properties that, over time, we have decided to share with guests. On the surface they appear very different. No.1 William St is a stone cottage built in the early 1850’s as home for the stone mason and his family. The Studio Somers is cement sheet holiday house built nearly 100 years later.